Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Inktober 13 and 14

Inktober 13 and 14

The last two henna borders for Inktober.

Inktober 13

Inktober 14

The next week I'm doing some more complex designs.  These will be quite a bit larger and more time consuming, but I think you will enjoy them.  Meanwhile enjoy these two borders.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Inktober 8 - 12

Inktober 8-12

The second week of Inktober I'm drawing Henna borders.  Here's the first 5.  Enjoy.

Inktober Day 8

Inktober Day 9

Inktober Day 10

Inktober Day 11
This one has a little extra lotus on it for your viewing pleasure.

Inktober Day 12

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day of the Girl

Day of the Girl

Today (October 11) is the International Day of the Girl. A day dedicated to the empowerment and investment of girls around the world.  

It's a movement that I strongly support and is part of the reason I'm creating a Graphic Novel.  I want to put one girl's story in your hands so that you can see that things need to change.  There are some horrible things that happen in this world and I want to be a part of the solution.  I hope that my story will impact you and get you thinking about it too.

Here's a little something I put together just for this day.  It's the first draft of the Cover page of my Graphic Novel.  Enjoy.

Here is a link to the Day of the Girl website for more info.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Inktober Day 7

Inktober Day 7

This is the last day for circular Henna Designs.  The next seven days will be Henna Borders.  Enjoy.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Inktober Days 3 - 6

Inktober Days 3-6

I'm using Inktober to practice my Indian henna designs.  These are going to be a key design element in my Graphic Novel.  Every Chapter will have a unique Henna design and a lot of the pages will have Indian designs as borders and things like that.  Enjoy.

Inktober Day 3

Inktober Day 4

Inktober Day 5

Inktober Day 6

 I'm doing a different design element each week of October, too.  This first week was circle designs and week two will be borders and straight designs.  

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The TITLE of my first Graphic Novel!

Here it is.  The title of my first ever Graphic Novel.


Doll is story about a young girl's life after she gets trafficked and sold to a brothel in India.  Her innocence and soul is beaten and destroyed, but she learns to survive.

I wanted to create a Graphic Novel story that could help spread the message about this horrible, tragic occurrence in our world today.  Sex Trafficking happens all over the entire world, but I chose not to focus on the numbers and statistics but the individual stories.  These girls are people.  They are human beings with souls and the fact that these things happen in our world today is a horrendous crime.  It gets overlooked and swept under the rug.  Not anymore.

One thing I really wanted to convey is the realness of it.  This is a fictional story, but it is based on true accounts and real women's stories.

This book will be powerful and it will get this message out further into the world.

Thursday, October 2, 2014



Inktober is a drawing challenge to draw and ink a drawing every day in October and I thought I would join in.  I'm going to draw an Indian Henna design every day.

Here are the first two.  Enjoy.
Inktober #1

Inktober #2

This will also be great practice for my Graphic Novel.  It's going to have a lot of designs like these in it.